Meet the team!

Here are the people who are going to teach and assist you in this learning journey:

Jose L. Santiago

PhD in Marine Science, Technology and Management- works at the Socioeconomic Department of the Technological Centre of the Sea (CETMAR) since 2011. His work focuses on applying science in the management of fisheries and the marine environment. He participates in several research projects developing socioeconomic assessments on marine resources and activities in the field of marketing of products and services of the sea, advancing methodological approaches to measure macroeconomic impacts. In addition, he takes part in service contracts with the European Commission and the Regional Government regarding the Blue Economy, the economic impact of Marine Spatial Planning, European Market Observatory for fisheries and aquaculture (EUMOFA), EMODnet Human Activities and the socioeconomic impact of Fisheries Local Action Groups. Currently, he is part of the ICES Working Group on Economics.

Marta Rodríguez Cobas

Degree in Business Administration and finishing a Master in Digital Marketing and Communication - works at the Socioeconomic Department of the Technological Centre of the Sea (CETMAR). She has worked in the marketing department of a multinational company in the fisheries sector and before that she did a traineeship in the textile sector. Her work focuses on the application of marketing techniques and the usage of digital marketing.

Last modified: Friday, 17 December 2021, 10:21 AM